Careers at Dassiet

We’re a community of freethinking leaders, innovators and change-makers. Take a look at out our open positions and apply!

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See open positions

Why work at Dassiet

We operate with trust and freedom – this means you have autonomy to do your best work.

We’re a community – we appreciate everyone and support each other. We focus on constant learning.

We’re on a mission: to help millions of people and animals get better treatment sustainably.

Man working at the office

Our values


We collaborate with people who share our purpose. Our responsibility is to find the means to provide better outcomes. Together we dream and make what we dream of.


We will innovate, provoke and push the envelope. We are willing to face a million no’s to get those few right yesses. Some call it hustle or grit, we call it intestinal fortitude, practiced with professionalism.


Our methods are tried and tested, yet we seek to push the boundaries even further. We leverage facts and data for our success.

A black man dressed in dark clothes stands in an industrial-looking room next to an illuminated pedestal on which a chair is materializing out of what appears to be wood chips.

One foot in the future

We’re creating a brighter future for medical devices – in an era of medical complexity, our connected insights and material science gives us a unique edge.

Innovating on every level

Technology of yesteryear can’t create tomorrow’s high performance products. That’s why we push the boundaries in everything we do.

A culture of sustainable high performance

We operate at a high speed with a culture that inspires everyone to  leverage their unique skillsets.

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